Saturday, October 5, 2013

Koya-san Field Trip: October 4-6, 2013

So this whole past school week was pretty uneventful, everyone was just glad that we had Friday off because school is starting to take its toll on everyone. This weekend was extra long because we went on our first trip, Koya-san!

While we were staying at Koya-san, we were in this very huge Japanese style house. There were areas to meditate and lots of Buddhist idols scattered throughout. After a 3 bus ride, we arrived at our destination, ate our bento that our host mom's made, got a brief orientation, then headed to Okunoin for our tour. We were led around this humongous cemetery which was very interesting. In all honesty, I wasn't paying attention to what the tour guide was saying because I was too busy taking pictures, but the vibe that this place emanated was very peaceful.

After our tour, we went back to our house and ate our first vegetarian meal! The food was delicious, and wish I could always have such amazing vegetarian food. The goma-tofu was especially notable because it is famous in the area. Next on the agenda was bath time! Nicola, Lotus, and I were grouped together for our bath, it was very relaxing and nice! The next few hours were spent chatting, playing truth or dare, and doing crazy things.

The next morning, Nicola, Tini, John, Ryan, and I woke up at 5 to go hiking. We hiked up a mountain through tori gates in the darkness, heard the cries of foxes in the distance, and looked at the misty scenery. It was beautiful, despite the fact that the trees completely hid the sunrise. The experience was definitely worth it, and we even saw a rainbow! We got back at about 6:15, and by then everyone was more or less up.  We then went to a quick meditation, ate another delicious vegetarian meal, then had a longer meditation. After that we went to explore more of Koya-san, including the Kongobuji and the Garan Complex. I bought some omiyage for my family, and before I knew it, it was time to leave for Kobe. This trip was amazingly fun, and it was the one place on the field trip list for this year that I haven't been to yet! Definitely a once in a lifetime experience to live like a monk, if only for a little while.

Today, my host father took me to the Suma-dera which was also very pretty. Apparently it's also for Kuukai. I had no idea that such attraction was so close to my house. I plan on going back to take more pictures!. Also, today, Ryan and I did more studying in Okamoto, then walked to Rokko Michi, another city checked off the list.

Ramen Museum, Osaka, and Exploring: September 26-28, 2013

WHOA. Where did the time go? Sorry I haven't been posting lately, and I am apologizing to myself because I don't anyone other than me will ever see this. Anyway, this past week has been pretty uneventful, the most exciting events took place this past weekend! On Friday, Ryan and I went on a "date" to Harborland to take night shots of all the beautiful lights.

It was a lovely date. We went straight to Harborland after school, walked around a bit, then ate dinner at an Italian restaurant we found. We were like the only ones in there, it was quite awkward because the entire staff was waiting on us. Unfortunately, we ordered wrong, so we ended up getting a Margherita pizza and this Italian sausage pizza. The Italian sausage pizza was supposed to be an anchovy pizza, but I read the menu incorrectly :( However, when we told them about the mistake, they told us that the Margherita pizza had anchovies...LIES. It was a good experience, though!

After dinner, we went to ride the Kobe Harborland Ferris Wheel which was 800 yen...pricey, but good for a one time thing. We got the "food and drinks allowed" compartment, even if we didn't have any. We figured it would be fancier than the usual one, and it was! The seats were all pink and cushiony and the windows had hearts plastered all over romantic.  After the ride, we went to the top of the Port Tower to take pictures, then we took shots of the ferris wheel from afar. We finished the night with sharing a parfait from Nana's Green Tea! Super delicious.

The following day was spent in Osaka for the ramen museum, which was really interesting! We also got to meet some other Americans currently in the Kansai area. After that, I headed to Umeda with Braeden, Teresa, Louis, Tierra, and Aki to go to the Pokemon Center and walk around. I eventually broke off from them and went to go meet up with Ryan, John, and Tanya (who picked up a Japanese stalker while she was shopping alone.) We ended up going to a cute little hole in the wall noodle shop run by an old lady. FUN NIGHT!

On Sunday, I met up with Ryan to study in Okamoto. We ate at Cafe de Fellow for their waffles, but since it is such a fancy cafe we were forced into buying tea or coffee. It was a pretty expensive breakfast, but worth the experience. The next mission was to find somewhere that would be a good place to study. After, searching for what felt like forever, we decided to just go to Starbucks and buy one passion tea (their drinks are much more expensive in Japan), then studied. We went to Sumiyoshi after that to eat lunch at this Japanese restaurant where we both got udon. From that moment, we decided that every week we will get off at a different stop to experience the differences between each little area. The rest of the day was spent in Sannomiya. We walked around the international area, saw a guy scratching and sniffing his butt, studied at a panya for about two hours, and ate at this small little bento place where one man was "ganbatte-ing" so hard, but the food was sub par.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

First Week of School: September 24-25, 2013

The past few days have been just busy, busy, busy. First of all, 3 hours of japanese in the morning can not be good for anyone's wellbeing. Second, I think I am going to have to start sleeping earlier so that I am not practically falling asleep in my loooooong classes. For example, yesterday, my business class was 3 hours and 10 minutes! Over 3 hours of a German man talking about himself with a thick German accent.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, but today was fun! We had a tea party even to meet our Meru-Tomos, even if I didn't really contact mine because I was so busy before going to Japan. They were really nice, and there is one girl, Rina, who I have a lot in common with, because we both like Disney. I stayed at the Ajisai room today until 6:00 talking to some Konan students, who quickly became friends. They helped me study and it was a good time!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Wandering Around Okamoto: September 23, 2013

Today was a national holiday, it also marked the first day of school for regular Konan students. Needless to say, it was extremely crowded! The day started off with Japanese reading for almost 3 hours @___@ After class finished, we ended up just grabbing a quick lunch at the convenient store at school because the cafeteria was way to crowded. After lunch, Nicola and I went to the Ajisai room to meet with Aoki-san so that she could take us to the gym! Today was our first day of aerobics class and it was really fun (despite the fact that I am extremely uncoordinated). There are 5 people in the class, plus the teacher. It's small, but fun. The last class of the day was linguistics, which wasn't too boring. It was actually kind of fun. Must be the classmates. After class finished, Ryan and I walked around Okamoto for about an hour and a half! He bought me pan and we explore Daiei which was surprisingly fun. I got home at about 6:10, ate dinner, then showed my host mother my photographs and where my house is using Google maps.

Osaka: September 22, 2013

Today, Tanya and I decided to venture to Osaka for the first time (this trip)! We decided to meet on the rapid train headed towards Sannomiya, but somehow, I ended up at Sannomiya about 10 minutes before she did. From Sannomiya, we bought a ticket to osaka via the super rapid train. The ride took about 20 minutes and once in Osaka station, we headed straight towards the department store.

The store had about 9 floors. We window shopped and then headed up to the 9th floor to get a nice view of Osaka. After thoroughly exploring the JR department store, we went to the Hankyu and Hanshin department stores which were not interesting at all. We didn't know what else to do, so we ended up grabbing lunch at this cute cafe in the JR station. Tanya is a vegetarian, so we had to walk around for a while looking for a place with vegetarian options. We ended up getting pasta, mine had mushrooms, ika, and tarako! So good! We walked around an electronics store and Tanya bought a new iPhone case. After that, we decided to go back to the JR department store so Tanya could by a shirt and I could be a cheapy watch. I needed a watch, so I just bought the cheapest one.

We headed back home at about 5, and I didn't get home until about 6:30. For dinner, I went to the second floor of my house and my family made yakisoba. I don't particularly enjoy dining with the children because they are really noisy, so I retreated to my room soon after I ate so that I could study.

Aquarium, Festival, Izakaya: September 21, 2013

Yesterday was by far the BUSIEST day so far! I left my house after doing laundry at about 10:00. I met Ryan and Tanya at Sumakaihinkoen station, which is one stop away from me in the Eastbound direction. We went to the awesome aquarium using our free foreigner pass thing. It was a pretty big aquarium, we saw penguins, lots of fish, and a dolphin show. We also ate ice cream while we waited for the show, which was probably the highlight of the day! There is also a kiddie amusement park center area in the aquarium, so I rode this rabbit thing that moves at the speed of a turtle. It was pretty awesome.

After we were done with the aquarium, we went to Sannomiya and walked around a bit to kill time before meeting the group in Nishinomiya for the Autumn festival. While at Sannomiya, we ate lunch at this place called "Sushiya," with not that many sushi options. But I ate otchazuke, so it was all good. After that we headed to the Hanshin line and rode it all the way to Nishinomiya. When we finally got there we couldn't find anyone. We ended up waiting for about 2 hours for people to show up and stuff.

The three of us met up with Reynold, Anna, and Flow, then we continued to search for Paine. However, her phone died so we waited for Aaron and his host brother to show up. Once they did, we all walked as a group to the festival (finding Tini along the way). The festival was pretty fun, Tyler gave me a brief tour of the shrine, and it was wonderful! Very festive with the food stands and everything.

The next leg of the journey was going back to Sannomiya for Tyler's birthday izakaya party! We eventually found a place that could accommodate all 17 or so of us. Almost everyone had nomihoudai (of course I didn't), so it got pretty rowdy. Tanya and I decided to leave early since our commute is in the same direction, so we left wishing luck to all of the drunk people. This was by far the longest day so far!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Noh Performance: September 20, 2013

Today was the first day of class! Japanese lesson is soooooooo long, about 3 hours...and it is going to be every day! I also went to the Joint Seminar which was pretty interesting. After class finished we all went as a group to Sannomiya (escorted by our senseis). UNFORTUNATELY, we decided to ride Hankyuu, meaning I had to pay for transportation when normally I can go to Sannomiya for free.

Anyway, while everyone else went into Ikuta Jinja, I went to the police! Know that train pass I lost in the bustling streets of Sannomiya? Yeah, Japan found it and I got it back! I tell you, that would NEVER be the case in America. All I have to do is go back to my home station and get 500 yen back since I paid 1,000 for a new pass. A lot of trouble for $5, but it was an interesting experience. After arriving back at the shrine, everyone was already seated. They had the stage all set up and everything.

It was very interesting. They started off with Kyogen performance, which I didn't understand at all. Then they lit these fire pit things and then the Noh performance started. The flavor of the day was Tsuchigumo. I had no idea what was going on but it moved a lot faster than I imagined Noh to. There were some theatrical effects, such as the spider character throwing string at the other characters. The fight scenes were pretty flamboyant.

After Noh, they gave us an edamame branch. I am not sure why, but hey, it's edamame! After that, we wandered around in a large group looking for food. Aaron's friend was showing us the way, but the original Kaitenzushi place would not accommodate our large group. After about an hour, we ended up at a Kaitenzushi place in JR station. It was kind of expensive for the quality, in all honesty. The uni was the worst uni I have ever tasted! I only got four plates and it was 1,008 yen! Whatever, it satisfies me at 9:30 at night. I ended up getting home at 10:30, the latest so far. Fun day!