Thursday, September 19, 2013

Otsukimi: September 19, 2013

Yesterday was probably my most interesting experience in Japan so far. However, let me start off by telling you my whole day, as per usual. 

Today was technically our first day of class, but we still started at 9:30. I left my house at about 8:15 and arrived at school at about 9:15. Commute is about an hour, which isn't too bad. The only thing is that the trains are crowded, and people only start to get out at Motomachi and Sannomiya -___-

I also found out that I was placed in the highest class (class 4)! We were split up in our class, got our homework and quiz assignments, then had lunchtime! A bunch of us went to a panya after, I got a custard amazing! After that, I had some time to kill because I wasn't going to take the religion class, so I just finished my homework and waited around until linguistics started. 

I was originally going to go home after linguistics (ended at 4:00), but I found out Tanya and Ryan were going to buy school supplies at Sannomiya, so I went with them. I bought a folder and a notebook from Tokyuu Hands, which is pretty expensive! After that we walked around Ikuta Jinja, then went to the JR station. At the JR station, Ryan treated us to a drink and a pastry! I got mango juice, it was pretty amazing and thick.

When I got home I ate dinner, then talked to my host Dad for about an hour about various things including the architecture of the bridges in Iwakuni, my Fujiwara history, Japanese geography, and so much more. He is amazingly knowledgable in everything. After my host Mom came home we all went up to the roof to enjoy Otsukimi, which is the full moon viewing around the time of Shunbun no Hi (autumn equinox). It is tradition to look at the moon with plum grass, dango, and tea. While on the roof we chatted for about an hour about various things including gay rights, my fellow study abroad students, the lunar calendar, and other things I can't remember. The fact that I can somewhat understand difficult topics gives me a little more confidence about my ability! 

Today we are going to see a Noh play, so I'll let you know how that goes.