Thursday, May 23, 2013

Alton Baker Park

Since I have been back in Eugene, I knew on the one day of sunshine and happiness, I had to take a walk through Alton Baker Park. Alton Baker Park is a HUGE park with biking and running trails. It's actually really neat and very relaxing (and kind of dangerous at night, so yeah, just don't). There are a lot of beautiful plants and weird people just chilling on the banks of the Willamette River.  The reason why I love this bike trail is so much is because it fills me with so much nostalgia of when I use to be a student at the University of Oregon. Imagine walking through a forest and then all of a sudden you see this:
Autzen Stadium
 For those of you who don't know, this is Autzen Stadium, home of the Ducks football team. I spent pretty much every Saturday and Monday night of my fall term in this stadium because of marching band. As much as I loathed it at the time, I am really glad that I decided to stick with marching band. I was able to experience so many things, such as road trips, the Rose Bowl, and just the overall hype and energy directed towards the football team.

There are a lot of bridges in Alton Baker Park, almost to the point where I would get completely confused as to where I was. I enjoy going on the bridges and snapping photos of the beautiful Willamette River (which is apparently something you don't want to swim in).
Willamette River
While my friends were exploring the forests of Alton Baker Park, we found a big pond with geese everywhere. Now, I am not very fond of birds but I have to say the goslings were pretty cute. Well, cute until they all started chasing after us.
I love the nature of Oregon and how easy it is to just bike or run (not like I do either). Alton Baker Park in specific is huge and makes for a really nice stroll when the weather permits. This is something I  missed dearly about Oregon, the ability to just wander and lose yourself in nature.