Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Back to the Grind

Hello, folks! I am home from Oregon, YAY! As much as I enjoyed my trip, I felt pretty relieved to be home. Well, I felt relieved until I realized that I had to start summer school, my internship, and return to my job. The anxiety everything looming as the end of my trip came nearer and nearer was too almost unbearable! Though, all of these commitments are because of my own doing, so I can't complain.

Yesterday was my first day of summer school. I am taking two businesses courses (BUS310/311), from 9-11:45. My classes are alright so far, but my professors are kind of...boring. I was anticipating work being hard yesterday because I heard there was a little bit of office drama during my absence, but there wasn't really anything out of place when I went back. However, I did feel as though I was going to faint multiple times...not sure why.

Today was my first day of my internship at Aflac! I will be a marketing intern, but due to my boss having a family issue, he wasn't able to come in. That meant that I just had to learn the rough basics from some other interns and will just have to return back next week when he's actually there.

Right now I have been having some stomach trouble :( Not sure if it's due to my self image anxiety or the fact that I have been eating a lot more than I should have when I was on vacation. Didn't really gain anything, but still...It's all in the head, right? Also, my trich has been pretty bad too :l