Sunday, September 15, 2013

Figuring out Trains: September 14, 2013

I woke up still feeling depressed because of what occurred last night. I video chatted with my Mom, but instead of being able to tell her all about the wonderful time had at Okamoto, I couldn't stop crying. I just didn't feel comfortable at all in my house, and I just wanted to get out. There was way too much going on than I could handle. She encouraged me to figure out how to use the trains so I could meet up with my friends who were planning on meeting at Sannomiya at 12. After drowning in my self pity, I peeled myself off my bed, washed my face, and asked my host father how to get to the train station. He drew a cute map and printed out a more advanced one on Google Maps, showing me how to get to Suma JR station. After about 30 minutes of preparation, I left the house.

I tried to follow the map as closely as possible, but the narrow streets confused me. After passing a little shrine and the Marist International School (apparently the same school Alisen graduated from!), I arrived at the station. I bought my ticket and went to the platform, but I had to ask like three people which train to take because the worst thing that could happen is that I could go in the wrong direction! I got on the right train and began my journey to the meeting spot! After arriving at Sannomiya station, I found the exit and proceeded to ask people about where "Suugo" is. Apparently, the department store was actually called "Sogo," so I found the Louis Vuitton in it soon after. I found Anisa waiting with her host mother, and soon after Reynold, Flow, Daniel, Tierra, Cheyenne, and Lotus arrived.

We started off the day going to see the view of Sannomiya at city hall! It was beautiful! Then we walked around ate some butaman, went to Chinatown, ate some frozen fruit desserts, did some window shopping, and even did purikura with Lotus and Tierra. It was a fun day, and at about 4:30 we all decided to go home. I found my correct train and got off at Suma-ku, but that's when the hard part started...finding my way back. Apparently, it's a problem that most of their homestay students have. I got lost for about 30 minutes and asked for directions multiple times. Eventually, a nice old man said he'd escort me home, and it turns out my home was literally RIGHT THERE after we walked around confused for about 5 minutes.

For dinner all 9 of us went to Marukame udon! They were surprised when I told them that we have one in Waikiki that is similar to that one! But obviously, the Japan one was cheaper and more amazing. I had mine with raw egg and mentaiko with a side of kabocha tempura. It was very delicious, and the kids are slowly starting to grow on me...maybe. They just don't know how to flush toilets (had to flush pee twice already). They also like to toss balls into my room while they are naked. For some reason, post-shower time is rampage Kaitlyn's room time. Today was better than last, and things are looking better.