Sunday, September 15, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away: September 15, 2013

Today was the first day of the typhoon! Good thing I had nothing planned. I woke up later, ate breakfast with mama, learned how to use the washing machine, and skyped with the family. At about 1, my mother took me to station, putting red dots on landmarks along the way so it would be easier for me to find! I could see tons of faded dots from study abroad students of the past. Apparently, she has hosted about 60 students before me, starting from 1989! We ate lunch at Mister Donuts, getting a little ramen set with iced tea and a donut. It was delicious! At about 3:50, we left again to pick up Katsuo-san from work, then the three of us went to the outlet mall nearby. I bought a sweater that was 60% off! So it was only like 1,500 yen, I also bought a parasol for those sunny days. We ate dinner at a Chinese restaurant, which was alright. The typhoon made today extremely wet, so it was a little difficult to get around...but it was such a nice change from the disgustingly hot weather that we had for the past few days. There was no naked run around today because the family is visiting their mom's side in Himeji because tomorrow is a national holiday. Today, was very relaxing and I ended it with chatting with Gavin (who fell asleep on me, again) and catching up on blog posts. Tomorrow is the first day of commuting to school by myself, so we'll see how that goes!