Monday, September 16, 2013

Typhoon Alert!: September 16, 2013

Today was the first day of actually having to go to school (for orientation), and let me say, it was pretty interesting. I have never been in a typhoon before, but although most of the damage had been done overnight, it left a lot of confusion behind it. Luckily I was on Facebook this morning, but apparently, a lot of students were confused about whether or not we were supposed to go to school due to the weather. My host mother told me that I still had to go, just that the school told her to tell me to be careful. The only tricky thing was that the JR line was done, so my host father had to drive me to school which took about 30 minutes. Since we left the house so early, I got to school really early at about 9:15 when the meeting time was 9:50. I explored the campus a little before everyone started to come.

We started the orientation off by receiving our new cell phones! After that, the professors talked to us to try and sell their courses. They all seem really nice, but I am a little apprehensive about the German business professor, he was pretty blunt about how difficult his course will be. After that we had lunch which was a bento, then the presentations continued. We all walked down to the computer lab to learn how to use the computer and wifi, then off to the club presentations we went! There were four presentations today, cheerleading, kabuki, kempo, and wadaiko. I may join kabuki, but I am not sure yet. I want to look into if there is a bunraku club or not first. I got to participate in the kempo demonstration, yeah...I can't punch for my life.

I got to take the train home from school for the first time which took a little over half an hour I think. The walk home was easy, just very uphill and tiring. Curry and rice was for dinner. My host mother and I talked about religion and we have the same view on it: everyone can have their own gods in their hearts, every religion is valid. As long as you know what you believe in, that's what matters. I am pretty happy, not only that we have similar beliefs, but I was able to converse with her about this topic.